
Message from the CEO Gil Muñoz, MPA

Virginia Garcia Memorial Health Center exists today because of the work that began 44 years ago by a handful of dedicated and driven community leaders who believed that everyone deserved health care. Our founders took their passion for health care for all and turned it into a reality following a tragic event. Within weeks, they were delivering critical care in a 3-car garage, removing barriers to health care for those who needed it most.

We are no longer in that garage: we are in 17 clinics, including a brand-new mobile clinic, employing more than 650 passionate, mission-driven employees, and our mission is the same. Our passion for our community remains the same.

Virginia Garcia strives to be where the need is and to continue to innovate by continuously growing and improving our level of integrative care. We will continue to expand services, break down the barriers that make it hard for our patients to be healthy.

Virginia Garcia will continue to look beyond the exam room for new ways to ensure our patients have access to high-quality, culturally relevant care.
We do all of this because our patients deserve more. Vulnerable members of our community need our support.

In Service,


Virginia Garcia Memorial Health Center