Virginia Garcia wants to make sure all our patients have access to a mask. We are hoping you can help. Below are some guidelines to consider when making them, some helpful tips & tricks as well as instructions on how to donate once you are done. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to […]
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12th Annual Health Care Symposium – Cancelled
UPDATE: As a result of the recent announcement by Governor Brown, we have made the decision to cancel our 2020 Health Care Symposium, scheduled for April 16, 2020. We apologize for any inconvenience this cancellation may cause. Transforming Health: Caring for the Mind, Body, & Community – CANCELLED Our priority lies in focusing on our […]
Virginia Garcia Offering Free Flu Vaccinations
Virginia Garcia Cares About You We believe that flu shots protect our patients and our community, so Virginia Garcia is committed to offering flu shots at each of the clinics below beginning October 1st until we run out of the vaccine. For more information or to schedule an appointment to receive a shot, please contact […]
Virginia Garcia Co-Sponsors Vigil to End Human Detention Camps
On July 12, Virginia Garcia Nurse Midwife Mónica Arce will be thinking about the children who have died in U.S. custody after being detained by Border Patrol. Mónica, along with thousands of others, will come together at Terry Schrunk Plaza in downtown Portland as part of a movement called Lights for Liberty, a national candlelight […]
Over the past three months, several Virginia Garcia staff have been recognized for their hard work in advocacy and innovation: Portland Business Journal Women of Influence The Portland Business Journal announced the 16th annual Women of Influence recipients. The award is designed to honor the region’s most influential business women who’ve made a difference in […]