Virginia Garcia Memorial Health Center delivers essential WHOLE care to underserved populations, particularly those facing financial barriers, significantly reducing costs for the broader health system through patient-centered care and innovation. Believing in being part of the communities we serve, we actively engage in advocacy, provide vital outreach and mobile health services, offer comprehensive primary and preventive care focused on wellness, and provide a dedicated team of providers for every patient. This holistic approach helps avert costly emergency room visits and hospitalizations, generating substantial savings for both the state and federal governments annually.
Virginia Garcia Memorial Health Center delivers essential healthcare to underserved populations, particularly those facing financial barriers, significantly reducing costs for the broader health system. By providing comprehensive primary and preventive care, Virginia Garcia helps avert costly emergency room visits and hospitalizations, generating substantial savings for both the state and federal governments annually.
At Virginia Garcia we know it's crucial to advocate for strong primary care support at the local, state, and national levels, ensuring accessible and affordable healthcare for all. This includes advocating for policies that support keeping people healthy and out of the emergency room, while leveraging technology to improve access to care and health outcomes.
At the core of the Virginia Garcia mission is outreach. It’s why we began more than 40 years ago and it remains the heart of what we do today.
Being healthy is more than getting a checkup every year. It is eating right, exercising and taking care of yourself on a daily basis. Our wellness activities can help you do just that.
From patient centered care to transitions of care, Virginia Garcia is pushing forward to improve and increase access to health care every day.
The patient is at the center of everything we do so we make sure they are surrounded by a team that knows their name and has their back.