Scan or click on one of the QR codes below to get help on updating your OHP information

Click or scan the code above with your cell phone for the Medicaid Renewal website.

Click or scan the code above with your cell phone to email your updated information to OHP.

Redetermination Phone

Call  1-800-699-9075 or scan with your cell phone to call the Renewal Support Center.

OHP Re-Enrollment: Step-by-Step instructions

Are you a Virginia Garcia patient?  We are here to help. 

We can help you:

  • make sure your informaiton is updated
  • respond to a letter you have received from OHP
  • apply for the Oregon Health Plan
  • make a plan for insurance if you, or someone in your family, no longer qualifies for OHP.

Give us a call today at 503-359-5564 and ask to set up time with one of our outreach workers.

Virginia Garcia Memorial Health Center