The CDC and FDA have recommended that use of Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen (J&J/Janssen) COVID-19 Vaccine resume in the United States, effective April 23, 2021. However, women younger than 50 years old especially should be aware of the rare risk of blood clots with low platelets after vaccination, and that other COVID-19 vaccines are available […]
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The VG Voice
COVID-19 ACTIVITY UPDATE With the goal to do our part in reducing the positivity rate as well as to provide treatment and support to the most vulnerable communities, responding to the COVID-19 pandemic remains Virginia Garcia’s top priority. Reducing the incidence of COVID-19. We continue to screen for COVID-19 at all of our clinics. In […]
Ask the Expert Covid-19 Vaccine Sessions now on YouTube
If you missed these very important sessions, do not fear. We have posted them on our YouTube page for you to enjoy and share. Ask the Experts Q&A in Spanish: Ask the Experts Q&A in English ______________________________________________________________ Thank you to our community partners:
2020 Annual Report
The 2020 Virginia Garcia Memorial Health Center and Foundation Annual Report is available now. This year the report will be digital and offer a more in-depth look at some of the programs that were critical to the care VG provided to the community over the past year. It also includes videos and links to more […]
Oregon Worker Relief Fund is Back
The Oregon Worker Relief Fund received additional funds to distribute to migrant and seasonal farmworkers that have been affected by COVID-19. The Oregon Worker Relief Fund provides financial support directly to Oregonians who have lost their jobs yet are ineligible for Unemployment Insurance and federal stimulus relief due to their immigration status, and now face […]