b'Message from the Executive Director The Virginia Garcia Memorial Health Center was founded in response to the health care crisis facing migrant workers in our community in 1975. Our founders responded rapidly and passionately to secure health care for the most vulnerable families in our community. Forty-five years later we have grown from that small, volunteer clinic to become the largest non-profit community health center in our state. No matter how big and complex we get, we will always rely on Virginias story and our founders commitment to inspire us to be the organization we need to be in times like these.Our new virtual annual report provides a window to the challenges we are all facing this year. I invite you to click on the video so I can tell you a bit more about how our organization has stepped up in amazing ways to support our patients through these crises. Then take some time to scroll through the following pages and read the stories. Our patients are amazing, hardworking and deeply resilient. Our staff members are mission-driven, innovative and passionate about the work we do. I want to thank all of you for being there for us now, and in the years preceding this pandemic, ensuring that we have the resources and support we need to deliver critical care to our community.Thank you!Serena Cruz Executive Director Virginia Garcia Memorial Foundation'