b"M E E T O U R PA N E L I S T SCommissioner Carmen RubioCOMMISSIONERCity of PortlandCarmen Rubioknows the power of centering community. In 2009, she was tapped as the executive director of Latino Network, a small organization for Portland's growing Latinx community. Over the next decade, she grew Latino Networks team to 140 talented people who spent their time lifting up youth and families to achieve their potential and define their futures. Before that, Carmen worked for Multnomah County Commissioner Serena Cruz, Portland Mayor Tom Potter, and Portland City Commissioner Nick Fish. In these roles, Carmen dedicated herself to making local government accessible and responsive.She brings this dedication to Portlands Council. Carmen works to ensure that leaders and staff go outside City Hall to authentically listen and engage with everyone in our city. She is the commissioner in charge of Parks and Recreation, Arts and Culture, the Bureau of Planning and Sustainability, and the Office of Community Technology.Carmen was born and raised in Hillsboro, the granddaughter of immigrants who came as migrant workers. She is the first in her family to graduate from college and is the first Latinx member of Portlands Council. She lives in NE Portland with her partner."