b'S U M M A R YThe COVID Truth: Examining racial, social and health injusticeThe 2021 Virtual Health Care Symposium will examine theinequitablewaythatCOVID-19isbeing experienced across our community, state and nation. The coronavirus brought to light the deep disparities, builtfromalifetimeofsocialandracialinequities. Manycommunitymembersofcolorencounterdaily the barriersfood access, affordable housing, anti-immigrationpolicies.Thesebarriersweremagnified intheirintensity,creatinganever-wideningchasm between the availability of culturally relevant services and access to them.The2021VirtualSymposiumfeaturesapanel discussionfromleadersacrossthecommunity.The panelistswillnotonlydiscussthepandemicandthe inequities that have been exposed and amplified, they will also look to the future and the work that must be done.'